Johan Byssainthe
As an experienced litigator who represents survivors of intimate partner violence, UnLocal Board Vice President Johan Byssainthe has a long personal and professional commitment to supporting organizations that meet the needs of immigrant communities in New York City. Johan has engaged in committee work that has included chairing the Diversity and Inclusion subcommittee of the Lawyers Committee Against Domestic Violence and co-founding Confluence NY, an advocacy committee that specifically considers the complexities of clients’ relationship with the carceral system as we seek to improve the quality of services survivors from traditionally marginalized populations receive. Since 2018, Johan also co-created and taught a class at City University of New York School of Law entitled, “Gender Violence: An Intersectional Lens” where we discuss the ways survivors of gender violence interact with other areas of the law, including immigration. Raised in the Haitian community of New York, Johan is committed to helping immigrants get access to information and resources that will help us remain safe, address systemic inequities and thrive in these United States. Johan holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Pittsburgh, a masters degree from Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, and she is a graduate of C.U.N.Y. School of Law.